Remember those tin can phones we played with as kids? You’d say something into one can, and by the time it traveled down the string to the other side, it was rarely the same message. Or how about that game of telephone where a whispered message gets passed around a…
There’s nothing quite like spending hours perfecting design concepts only to have the client casually knock them all down like a stack of poorly placed Jenga blocks. It sucks because you thought all three options were solid, and one of them was a full-on masterpiece. We’ve all been there. But…
We’ve all had that client—the one who wants to meet about everything. Sure, they’re excited about their project and love to talk with you about it, but let’s be honest, it can get out of hand. So how do you manage a client who wants meeting overload without damaging the…
I always loved making friends with other agency owners in my city. Anytime I would meet one at a networking event, I would set up a lunch to “talk shop.” It was an easy ask and an easy “yes” for them. After all, we were both part of an exclusive…
I’ve been at this for a long time, the business and marketing game. At this point in my career, it is rare that I see something that blows me away. I’m not saying, “I know it all,” but I sure have seen a lot of great marketing and business tactics…
A potential new client finally dropped into your inbox. You’ve wanted this client for so long and they are finally here with an RFP. It is almost impossible to believe it! You haven’t wanted anything this bad since you first crushed on Sally during hormone-raging, junior high years. The Qualifying…
You tried every tactic in the book to extract your client’s budget. “How much do you want to spend on this?” “Are you wanting a high-end solution or a low-end solution?” “An Audi R8 and a Chevy Malibu will both get you from point A to point B. Which of…
“Too many cooks in the kitchen” can lead to traumatic projects. You’ve probably been there. The client greenlights the project. Everyone is thrilled to get started. In fact, they are so thrilled it seems the entire company wants to have input on the direction and deliverables. You might have seen…
We’ve all been there: a client approaches us with a project, and in their mind, it is going to change the world. Unfortunately, their “world-changing” idea is attached to a budget that is too small to accomplish their vision. You want to politely tell them they are unrealistic and need…