Just like most designers starting out, I would just guess my prices. A client asks for a logo design and I’d think, “I can do it for $_____.” Yeah, that sounds good.” Then I would submit my price and hope to win. In fact, everything about my business was a…
I always loved making friends with other agency owners in my city. Anytime I would meet one at a networking event, I would set up a lunch to “talk shop.” It was an easy ask and an easy “yes” for them. After all, we were both part of an exclusive…
I left so much money on the table when I was scaling my creative agency. Oh man, it is so embarrassing to even confess it here. We would land a great project, then execute like prime Michael Jordan in the NBA finals. The client would be thrilled with the results….
How to Make Your Price Seem Small – Price Anchoring Scripts Price anchoring refers to the tendency people have to use the first price presented to make subsequent judgments about the size of other prices. In the example below you see three cars advertised. The Audi is $48,99, the Buick…
You’re super excited to kick off a new project with an awesome client! As you begin to dig into the work, you quickly realize that the client’s brand and business need more help than you originally thought. Maybe you didn’t do a sufficiently thorough job in your discovery meeting or…
Let’s get one thing straight, you are not a pixel monkey. The sooner you break the habit of pushing pixels around like a well trained chimpanzee and begin offering strategic insights that can move the needle of your client’s business, the better. This is the key to unlocking bigger budgets…