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Balanced Payment Structures

By Freelance Tips

Keeping your billings balanced with completed work is the best way to keep animosity from entering into the client relationship. This video is an excerpt from a coaching call with Bryan Jimenez, a super talented designer and agency owner based in Austin, Texas.

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Bad Logos and Good Branding

By Freelance Tips

Bad Logos & Good Branding. Michael Janda and G’day Frank // Branding takes time and distribution. There is evidence that anything can be effectively branded over time. Take a look at Goodle’s original logo…which they used for many years, effectively building a multi-hundred billion dollar company. The visual brand matters,…

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Your Business is a We

By Freelance Tips

Your Business is a We // Referring to your business as “we” can help your clients start seeing you in a bigger light. Many clients feel like they can order freelancers around since it is just a single person and in their perception “not a real business.” By referring to…

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How Do You Ask a Client for Feedback

By Freelance Tips

How do you ask for client feedback? // Michael Janda and Jacob Cass discuss proven methods for asking for client feedback. Always present the work. Train your client on what types of feedback are most valuable before you show them the work. Make sure there is one mouthpiece for the client. This person…

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